
by Fundación CNSE



This application, developed by the CNSE Foundation, is a service aimed at deaf people in which you can send a text and a team of interpreters will translate the text into Spanish sign language in a video.The service is completely free thanks to the support of the Vodafone Foundation. Its operation is very simple: you simply register in the app and you can start sending your texts to translate. The purpose of the service is to support deaf people in the management of their daily lives, such as:   • Legal texts: for example, a subpoena of the court.   • Economic texts: for example, a letter from the bank.   • Administrative texts: for example, a letter from Social Security.   • Service texts: for example, a mail from a hotel reservation or a letter from the school.   • Personal texts: for example, an email from the family.To learn more about the app and the service, download the app and enter the help section.